Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Ankle Injuries In A Ballerina

Inviter un écrivain

Readers are proposing to invite, from time to time writers to participate in public debate to present their latest book, or chat about their work.

Invite guess the writers ensure a minimum public: even if they are geographically close, we can not move for ten people! So we must imagine what would motivate a reader to come to such meetings.

For your part, if you had the opportunity to meet a writer: what would you talk to him? What do you know?
- That presents the character work?
- Create links with reality, with other literary and artistic?
- Talking about how to write (the practice of writing, style ...)?
- Anything else?

You imagine yourself in the position of Apostrophes (time by Bernard Pivot) or Denise Glaser (here much longer) desultory discussion with the author of a book you've read or you will read soon?

Who to invite? Perhaps a writer on holiday in the area, or living there permanently, who knows or who in fact part of his story? An author of general literature, regional, essays, biographies, books, documentaries, children's books?

Perhaps a writer and editor (or a bookstore)? Can you imagine a "public reading" of excerpts from his works (by himself or by a reader)?

Feedback and suggestions are welcome.

© Photo Archives Gallimard. Left, Jacques Rivière, Jean Schlumberger, Roger Martin du Gard and Andre Gide Abbey Pontigny in 1922. Right, still young, Gaston Gallimard.

In the meantime you can go read on the website of Square Art Nimes the record of training devoted to just that ... What to do (or not do) when we invite an author. Two libraries in the region were represented (Ales and private).


" For these meetings, the choice of an author may be from the need to know the work, the notion of desire, a team project and a working relationship with the institutions - the Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs, the National Book Centre ... may be good advice, but also in partnership with publishers with whom direct contact is often complicit and friendly (Martine Cribier).
It can also be done from the importance of the work of writing, the place of the writer in creating the time "being in who invented the language today " (Jean-Gabriel Cosculluela). This is going further, to bring readers also to read, to discover, to "enlarge the land of reading"  (Jean-Gabriel Cosculluela) ."
" Chacun percevait, à cet instant, quelle que soit sa profession, l’importance du temps, de la durée, des éléments primordiaux dans tous les aspects du travail autour de l’écriture et de ses acteurs. Les bibliothèques, comme les écrivains, les éditeurs et les libraires, se doivent de lutter contre la rapidité, l’urgence, la consommation immédiate."

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Bloody Mucus Before Period Due

Vent de panique sur les lectures

La lecture enflamme les spirits, makes clear the obstacles, establish connections between strange stories "invented" and the news ... Looking at the shadows, the world becomes a strange negative image and hunger is not she in the beginning, the university in football stadiums or the opera stage? Finally by a bank customer who lack insurance but no self-mockery! Readers share their views seriously disturbed their brains last Friday!

"Can you prove that you are not a snail?" Gilbert Léautier , portraits Cevennes including a young player and his vision of a library "city", its librarians and ... Hell!

"Tales for naughty children," Jacques Prevert where the solitary reflections of a horse stranded on an island ... "Freedom!" He screams and meet other ... "Freedom!".

"The fetishes little tale negro" by Blaise Cendrars : where the power of strange shadows on those who have a shadow.

"In the beginning was the hunger. Treaty of the intractable" Jerome Thélot The man said, before thinking, someone who is hungry (an infant).

"Why I do theater," Albert Camus to know whence comes the famous quote: " Really, what little morals that I know I learned on the football fields and scenes theater that will remain my true universities.

"Panic in the bank" by Stephen Leacook , Canadian author, economist and humorist ... Do not miss out: Unable to read aloud without choking with laughter!

To complement these readings, un lien vers des textes originaux, dont Leacook en anglais (pour nos ami(e)s anglophones) : http://un.ecrivain.en.arbre.free.fr/morceaux.choisis.htm

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Heavy Bleeding With Noriday

Nouveautés à la bibliothèque.

Voilà une petite sélection parmi les nouveautés de la bibliothèque de Lasalle. Laquelle vous intéresse le plus ?

Vite, soyez le premier à la sortir des rayons !

Valentine a disparue... Qui la cherche vraiment ?
Entre satire sociale, polar contemporain et romance lesbienne, le nouveau roman de Virginie Despentes is a road-book that takes the reader between Paris and Barcelona, in the footsteps of all those who knew Valentine, the girl led astray ... The different characters without necessarily intersect to meet together, and eventually call on your sweet and powerful portrait of an era.
Christchurch, New Zealand. Joe Middleton control every aspect of its existence. Single, very caring for his mother, he works as a cleaner at the police headquarters in the city. This enables him to be aware of ongoing criminal investigations. Particularly that relating Boucher in Christchurch, a bloodthirsty serial killer accused of murdering seven women in atrocious conditions. Even if the procedures are similar, Joe knows that one of these women was not killed by the Butcher of Christchurch. It is even certain, for the simple reason that it is the Butcher of Christchurch. Displeased by this turn of fate, Joe decides to conduct his own investigation to unmask the plagiarist himself. And why not make him take responsibility for other murders. Sublime variation on the theme of the serial killer, this novel of astounding originality transforms all the genre clichés and reveals a new author, whose we have not heard the last.
Gregor has invented everything that's going to be useful for centuries to come. Unfortunately it is less able to look after his business, science interests him more than profit. Taking advantage of this trait, while others will steal it. To distract and occupy it, it does remain that the company and theater lightning bird. Biographical fiction without scruples, however, this novel uses the fate of the engineer Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) and stories that have been made.

" In the anonymity of a hotel room, one of the most powerful women of Germany gave to a man she does knew nothing, she had seen only twice in his life ... "
But after a few months, the man threatens to reveal their affair to the press, all their antics have been filmed. Juliana Kant denounces the millionaire gigolo. He was imprisoned, morality is almost saves. Affair de mœurs chez les riches ? Une liaison amoureuse qui tourne au chantage sordide ? Karine Tuil, dans son roman le plus troublant, dévoile l’arrière-monde de cette aventure risquée : qui est à l’origine d’une telle fortune allemande ? Pourquoi le grand-père de Juliana, premier mari de Magda Goeb­bels, et militant nazi, n’a-t-il pas été arrêté à la Libération ? Sait-on que le père d’adoption de Magda était un juif qu’elle a renié puis laissé mourir ? Pourquoi les Kant ont-ils gardé le silence sur leurs activités industrielles sous le Reich ? Et si humilier sexuellement la jolie bête blonde était une forme de vengeance ? Les fils ont-ils d’ailleurs reconnu la faute des pères, les vivants ont-ils pardonné aux morts ?

- Tammy Sheldon

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Seborrhoeic Dermatitis Will Cause Hair Loss

La recette de la semaine.

Pour ceux parmi vous (sans doute nombreux) qui participeront demain à notre soirée mensuelle, “Lectures des Lecteurs” , cette recette sera plutôt le petit plaisir du fin de semaine; vos proches seront bien contents ! J’ai aimé l'introduction du texte de M. This, l’auteur de ce volume de recettes, choisi dans la collection Permanent Library Lasalle . I therefore agree with you word for word:

Staying in baking a cake with mythical madeleine. Why legendary? Because of that Marcel Proust is more myth than memory. In a draft of the Search of Lost Time, he describes the resurgence of memories associated with a d e tasting, but then there is little question that ... buttered toast. It's literary development, which ultimately transformed the prosaic madeleine biscuit in mythical, more worthy of inclusion in a real literary memory.
madeleine My childhood is that of Commercy created by Madeleine, who replaced the king of pastry Stanislaus at a reception hosted by the Duke of Lorraine. King regaled them as he named the name of the cake ... the maid
Photo credit: T. Sheldon
madeleines with honey and lemon
Ingredients for a dozen madeleines
60 g butter
125 g flour
125 g sugar
1 tablespoon water blossom orange
3 eggs
1 teaspoon honey
juice of half a lemon

Heat the butter cool, add flour, sugar, water orange flower, the yellow eggs, honey, lemon juice and white beat until stiff. Bake in a moderate oven has madeleine molds butter and sugar. Bake in moderate oven (185 degrees).
(from Revelations gourmet, Hervé This, Editions Belin, 1995, a work available at the Library of Lasalle.)
Bon appetit and happy reading!
- Tammy Sheldon